Happy christmas,
Pops has decided she doesnt want "that man" coming into her room to put the presents in her stocking, Prehaps I shouldn't of corrected her a few weeks ago when she told me it was Snow White who filled your stocking.
Well, here is Maisy on day 2 of crawling, I filmed her on day 1, but to the untrained eye, it didnt look like she was actually crawling, you'd suddenly just realise she was nearer the camera.
Don't know why Poppy has her tongue sticking out.
In the back of the car the other day Poppy announced that she loved herself
"I love me, I love my face"
She then rather curiously said "never ever put my face in the fire"
don't know where that came from, but we do have an open fire, so at least the safety message has got through.
Maisy also now has 2 teeth, but hasn't as yet bit her sister in defence.
ha ha so I think I've uploaded a video. If it works I'll do some more with both the girls in. in the mean time here is Maisy eating some paper!
you can hear daddy and poppy talking in the background.
its no masterpiece I know!